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How to customise Divi contact form success message
Home » CSS & Code Snippets » How to customise Divi contact form success message

This quick and easy tutorial will show you how to style and customise Divi contact form success message.

When a website user submits a contact form and the success message appears it always appears as a standard size and text colour which is not ideal if you want brand consistency throughout your website.

In this tutorial you will learn how to change:

  • text colour
  • font size
  • font weight
  • change the font
  • transform the text

Adding the CSS

Place the below CSS snippet into your child themes Style Sheet or if you are not using a child theme then you can go to Divi > Theme Options > CSS

Place the following snippet.

.et-pb-contact-message p {
color: #ea5428;  /* change colour of the success text */
font-size: 18px;  /* change font size of the success text */
font-weight: 700;  /* change the weight / boldness of the success text */
text-transform: uppercase;  /* turn the text into uppercase */
font-family: ‘Montserrat’,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida,sans-serif;  /* change the font of the success text – text auto inherits font set in theme customiser */

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